"Don't Jump!" - Blizzard's Surprising Advice to WoW Players - A Bug in World of Warcraft and How to Work Around It

03 July 2023, 05:05 / by Fabian Roßbach
"Don't Jump!" - Blizzard's Surprising Advice to WoW Players - A Bug in World of Warcraft and How to Work Around It

Blizzard's Unusual Warning to WoW Players

Imagine you're in the middle of a battle, jumping around, trying to confuse your opponent – and suddenly, your connection is lost. That's exactly what's happening to many players in World of Warcraft. A bug is causing the game to crash when players are hit by crowd control effects while in mid-air. As a result, Blizzard is advising WoW Classic players to avoid jumping during combat.

The issue is occurring on the WoW Classic PTR and has turned the constant jumping – a habit of almost every MMORPG player – into a potentially fatal action. Blizzard has confirmed that the connection interruptions are caused by being hit with crowd control effects while in the air.

Jumping - a hard habit to break

Who doesn't know it? Constantly pressing the jump button is part of the natural language of a WoW player; it's just what you do. It keeps your fingers nimble and adds a personal touch to your journey through Azeroth.

But now you have to hold back - at least for now. In response to a player reporting a death in the game due to a disconnect while in mid-air, WoW Classic Game Producer 'Aggrend' says, "We are aware of this issue and hope to have an update for it next week."

The frustration over the bug

This particular bug is more than just annoying - especially for hardcore WoW players like Twitch streamer 'Graysfordays', whose level 25 Druid was wiped out because of this disconnect problem.

Precautions and alternatives

Until then, it might be advisable to completely unbind the jump button or at least move it somewhere where you won't accidentally press it. So try to keep both feet on the ground as much as possible.

While this bug cannot be fixed by addons, the best WoW addons could help you master all other aspects of the game even better.

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