Red Dead Redemption 2 - Tender Fish Fillet - How to Catch and Cook It!

02 April 2023 / by Tom Schwiha
Red Dead Redemption 2 - Tender Fish Fillet - How to Catch and Cook It!

In this article, we will show you how to catch and prepare tender fish fillets in Red Dead Redemption 2 to keep your hero well-nourished and strong. So, saddle up and read on to learn all about this tasty food source.

Catching the Right Fish

Fishing in RDR2: There are a total of 15 fish species in the game, but not all of them are suitable for preparing tender fish fillets. Check out the ten fish species with which you can successfully prepare tender fish fillets:

  • Perch
  • Chain Pickerel
  • Rock Bass
  • Smallmouth Bass

To catch the right fish, we recommend finding a quiet fishing spot and being patient. Use different baits or improved fishing gear to increase your chances.

Preparing Tender Fish Fillets Made Easy

A Cozy Campfire

After catching the appropriate fish, you need to set up a camp in Red Dead Redemption 2 to light a fire. Find a suitable spot to make yourself comfortable afterwards.

From Raw Fish to Tender Fish Fillets

Select the crafting menu via the campfire menu and browse through the various cooking recipes. Choose one of the fish species suitable for preparing tender fish fillets, and you're ready to go! This meal gives your cowboy a significant health boost, so make sure to prepare and consume tender fish fillets regularly.

Spices for an Extra Kick

Don't forget to season your tender fish fillets with oregano, thyme, or mint to strengthen various skills in Red Dead Redemption 2. Depending on the spice you use, it can bring an additional advantage to your cowboy.

Enjoy Your Feast!

Have fun fishing and cooking in Red Dead Redemption 2! We hope these tips were helpful and that you are now well equipped to survive in the rough Wild West world. Bon appétit, cowboy!

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