The Forest - Survive in the horror survival game with our tips & cheats

04 April 2023 / by Tom Schwiha
The Forest - Survive in the horror survival game with our tips & cheats

This forest holds unimaginable horrors and challenges. But don't worry, we have some tips and tricks that will help you overcome the dangers and emerge victorious in the end.

Cheats and console commands: Making survival easier

Are you frustrated because you keep dying or can't progress? No problem, we have compiled some cheats and console commands that will make your life in The Forest easier.

How to activate cheats and console commands

  1. Go to Options > Gameplay > Allow Cheats (On)
  2. In the main menu, type [developermodeon] to activate console commands
  3. Press F1 to open/close the console, enter the command, and press Enter

Useful cheats and commands

  • additem [Item-ID]: Adds an item with the specified ID to the inventory
  • godmode [on/off]: Activates or deactivates God mode (invincible, unlimited resources)
  • buildhack [on/off]: Activates or deactivates Build hack (unlimited resources, instant building)
  • killallenemies: Kills all cannibals and mutants in the game
  • enemies [on/off]: Activates or deactivates the appearance of enemies
  • cutdowntrees [number/%]: Reduces the number of trees in the game by the specified percentage
  • setstat [Stat] [Value]: Sets player statistics
  • setskill [Skill] [Value]: Sets player skills
  • killallanimals: Kills all animals in the game

Tips and tricks for successful survival

If you don't want to rely on cheats, here are some tips and tricks to help you face the challenges in The Forest:

  • Collect resources and find food: To stay alive in the game, always be on the lookout for resources and food. Look for berries, fish, and animals that you can hunt.
  • Craft tools and weapons: Make useful tools and weapons from the beginning to help you hunt, gather, and defend yourself.
  • Build a safe shelter: Build a shelter where you can feel safe from cannibals and mutants at night. Don't forget to set up traps and defenses.
  • Survive the night: The greatest dangers lurk in the darkness. Therefore, make sure you have enough light and stay in the shadows to remain undetected.
  • Explore the surroundings: Discover new areas, find useful resources, and learn the ways of your enemies to better react to them.

With these tips and tricks, as well as cheats and console commands, you are well equipped to master the challenges in The Forest. Good luck and above all: Have fun in the forest of horror!

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