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Things to know about MEMORIES OF MARS

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5.0 / 5.0

In MEMORIES OF MARS from the development studio Limbic Entertainment, you'll be transported to the red neighboring planet of Earth, where bare survival is at stake.

MEMORIES OF MARS plays about 100 years in the future. A journey to Mars is no longer a dream, but the red planet does not offer the paradise we hoped for. You will find yourself alone in a deserted area on Mars, where the equipment, factories and buildings left behind will tell you that not long ago people worked here. In order to survive in the harsh environment, it is necessary to build a base for yourself, using the resources that the barren landscape has to offer, as well as the remnants of days gone by. Your most important tools are a welding torch and a 3D printer, which you use to mine raw materials and build new components such as foundations, walls, technical equipment and weapons.

A total of 16 square kilometres of freely accessible maps await you. Numerous dangers lurk on Mars, ranging from aggressive drones to aggressive worms. On your excursions you should also always pay attention to your oxygen gauge. While exploring the red planet you will also meet other players and have the chance to participate in events. Use your MEMORIES OF MARS Key to find out if you have what it takes to survive on the distant planet. With the price comparison on The Game you can compare the offers of different keysellers and get your MEMORIES OF MARS Key at the best price.