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Things to know about The Isle

User rating
5.0 / 5.0

Once a dinosau
, The Isle offers players a unique experience, because here you can experience the hard everyday life of a dinosaur. Always being on your guard is one of the grueling requirements for survival. Your Character's Dinosaur style is determined by the Mode you choose. Whether you're a carnivore or herbivore, small or large, it doesn't matter. Everything has advantages and disadvantages.
By the way, there are not only dinosaurs, but also humans in the game. These are divided into modern and primitive.
Also the graphics of the game are amazing. Dinosaurs and landscape are convincingly realistic. The soundscape is also impressive, which changes at night in a realistic way and creates a living world. The communication with other players works partly only by dinosaur sounds, which adds to the realism of the game.
For dinosaur fans, the game is a must in any case.

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