Age of Empires 4: New free content including fan favorite - New free content including fan favorite

23 November 2022, 22:50 / by Tom Schwiha
Age of Empires 4: New free content including fan favorite - New free content including fan favorite

A few weeks ago the third season of Age of Empires 4 came out, now the developers have already announced new plans for the future. If you want to know what's behind it, read on here.

The Season 4 should appear in February 2023, before that there will be an update preview in January.

In this season the popular nomad game mode should return, in which you do not start with a village center, but with a few distributed villages. This causes the game start to take place much slower, the memory of AoE 2 comes up.

In addition, landscapes should be able to be improved, new maps and a biome come and there is a 1v1 and team ranking.

But that was far from everything. An improved mod UI should be designed clearer and simpler, the chat delay should be improved and an overhaul of Age of Empires for mobile devices should take place. In addition, further events and seasons are to follow. So we can look forward to what 2023 will bring us.

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