Age of Wonders 4 - Dragon Dawn DLC & Wyvern Update

01 June 2023 / by Tom Schwiha
Age of Wonders 4 - Dragon Dawn DLC & Wyvern Update

Welcome to the developer diary of Age of Wonders 4

Today, we take a look at the first developer diary of Age of Wonders 4 since the game's release. We will be discussing the launch, reception, and the upcoming major Dragon Dawn DLC, as well as the free Wyvern Update that comes with it.

Regarding the launch of Age of Wonders 4, we can say that it was both a critical and commercial success. Of course, there were also some issues, such as some negative user reviews right after the release, mainly due to technical difficulties. However, these issues were quickly resolved, and the reviews improved.

Main concept of the game and modding

The main concept of the game - faction creation and development as well as new systems - has been well received by fans and newcomers alike. Modding has also started promisingly, with already 285 mods in the Steam Workshop at the time of writing.

Dragon Dawn Content Pack and Wyvern Update

The Dragon Dawn Content Pack and the free Wyvern Update are almost ready. The update will already have over 10 pages of patch notes. Some highlights include:

  • Improvements to faction creation
  • Rebalancing of the Empire
  • Adjustments to the soul economy for Necromancy Tomes
  • Addition of cavalry and mounted units
  • Quality of life improvements to make the gameplay smoother

The developers ask for a little more patience while they test and verify these changes. Their plan is to release them simultaneously on all platforms.

Future of Age of Wonders 4

The developers are only at the beginning of Age of Wonders 4 and are looking forward to expanding and improving the game longer than any other game in our history. Your feedback will be an important factor as they strive for even greater immersion, replayability, and fun! Stay tuned for more information and updates on Age of Wonders 4!

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