Alan Wake 2: A Dark Sequel Awaits Us - Uncover the Secrets Surrounding the Profound Story

03 June 2023, 19:34 / by Fabian Roßbach
Alan Wake 2: A Dark Sequel Awaits Us - Uncover the Secrets Surrounding the Profound Story

Alan Wake 2: More than just a sequel

The sequel to Remedy Entertainment's hit title Alan Wake is on the horizon, and we can't wait to dive back into the unknown. In Alan Wake 2, we can expect numerous moments of terror and an even more profound story that takes the player on a creepy journey through two worlds.

Duality and Echoes in the Story

Creative Director Sam Lake and Head Writer Clay Murphy have revealed that beneath the surface of Alan Wake 2 lies a deeper meaning. This time, the game draws on themes such as duality and echoes, which means we will not only experience the story from Alan's perspective but also from the viewpoint of the new character, Saga Anderson.

A new character expands the storyline

To bring a fresh perspective to the game, we will be playing as Saga Anderson, an FBI agent and newcomer to the area of Bright Falls. The talented investigator and mother is brought to life by Melanie Liburd. Although Alan Wake 2 is her first work in the video game industry, Liburd is excited for the world to meet Saga: "I think she's a great role model, and it's refreshing to see a woman - especially a woman of color - as the protagonist in a game, which doesn't happen often."

Gameplay from two perspectives

Players will be able to explore Alan Wake 2 from the separate perspectives of Alan and Saga throughout the entire game, discovering Bright Falls and the Dark Place. Don't worry if you haven't played Alan Wake Remastered yet (which you should), you don't necessarily need to know the story of the first game.

Inspiration from film and television

In preparation for Saga, she investigates ritualistic murders. From a narrative and tonal perspective, the developers looked at things like 'True Detective.' Movies like 'Seven' from the nineties also served as inspiration. Visually, the influence of 'True Detective' on Alan Wake 2 is clearly visible.

What we can look forward to

The story of Alan Wake 2 already sounds fascinatingly creepy, and we can't wait to learn more about it and experience it alongside the upcoming PS5 games this year. So get ready to dive even deeper into the dark world of Alan Wake and pack some extra batteries - you'll need them!

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