AMD and NVIDIA - The two graphics card manufacturers announce price cuts

05 September 2022, 21:15 / by Fabian Roßbach
AMD and NVIDIA - The two graphics card manufacturers announce price cuts

AMD and Nvidia started a large discount campaign for their graphics cards a few days ago. But it looks like this wasn't enough to speed up the sale of stocks. Therefore, there will be much larger discounts and promotions in September.

The sources for this news are from the Taiwanese industry and a large Taiwanese economic news agency.

The reason for this is the new generation of graphics cards, which are about to be released. So that these find enough space in the warehouses and buyers also increasingly rely on the new cards, AMD and Nvidia want to accelerate the sale of stocks. However, experts do not expect such a rapid decline as the two companies envision.

Falling cryptocurrency courses the reason

The demand in the graphics card market has collapsed more than expected due to the collapse of the cryptocurrency market. This is in the interest of the players, as significantly better entry prices can be expected in the future. Recently, the significantly above RRP prices have caused discontent among gamers. At the same time, the used market is currently being flooded with cards from cryptocurrency mining, as these do not pay off so easily due to higher energy prices and lower cryptocurrency prices.

For players who can't wait any longer for the new graphics card generation, a good opportunity is coming soon. We expect that the prices for Nvidia's RTX 3090 will also fall below the magical 1,000 € mark.

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