Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition - Return of Rome - Upcoming Updates, Hotfixes, and Community Actions

28 May 2023
Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition - Return of Rome - Upcoming Updates, Hotfixes, and Community Actions

Return of Rome DLC and Community Voting

Hello Age of Empires II fans! With the recently released Return of Rome DLC, the developer community has shown great interest in your feedback. That's why there's now a community voting where you can decide which AoE campaigns you would like to see in the Return of Rome DLC!

Upcoming Updates, Hotfixes, and Events Overview

Below we present the planned updates, hotfixes, and events for the upcoming month. Look forward to improvements in various areas of the game!

May Hotfix

The May Hotfix mainly focuses on bug fixes related to Return of Rome and some general priority issues. Some of the key changes include:

  • Fixed UI mod issues that were causing the game to crash while loading matches.
  • Fixed issues with entering lobbies that could lead to crashes.
  • Fixed lobby sorting and search issues.
  • Fixed data issues in AoE II: DE and Return of Rome.
  • Adjusted resource settings in Return of Rome lobbies.

In addition, Ranked Play in Return of Rome is made more accessible to provide a better experience for players.

June Hotfix

The June hotfix focuses on feedback and bug fixes related to Age II: DE as a whole. Some of the key changes include:

  • Pathfinding improvements for units.
  • Monks don't always heal other nearby units when idle.
  • Adjustments to the "Back to Work" function for villagers.

June Content Update

After the two hotfixes, the development team returns to the desired monthly update cycle. The June update brings numerous bug fixes and gameplay changes, including:

  • Fixed lobby filter issues.
  • Further pathfinding improvements.
  • A new set of balancing adjustments.
  • Adding the Romans to Ranked Play!

Public Update Previews (PUP)

The developers encourage all players to participate in the PUP program on Steam. This allows the community early access to changes and direct communication with the development team. The May hotfix has already been added to the pup_may_june Steam branch, which will be maintained throughout the month of June.

Be ready for the upcoming changes and stay tuned for the May hotfix, which will be released soon! Don't forget to check your Steam Keys on Keyfuchs and grab your copy of Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition - Return of Rome if you haven't already!