ARC Raiders - Free2Play Shooter release postponed to 2023

05 September 2022
ARC Raiders - Free2Play Shooter release postponed to 2023

ARC Raiders is the latest game from well-known Swedish video game manager Patrick Söderlund and his new development studio Embark Studios. Previously, Söderlund was known as Executive Vice President at EA or as CEO of DICE.

His experience and decision to leave his employer EA after the disappointing release of Battlefield 5 give hope to players. What has been seen of ARC Raiders looks promising both graphically and gameplay wise. One reason for this is that Embark Studios consists not only of Söderlund, but also many other long-time developers and executives from EA and DICE are involved.

What is ARC Raiders about?

In this free-to-play sci-fi shooter, you team up with two other players to fight against enemy AI robots. With weapons and various equipment, you and your team mates must defend against the invasion from space. An important part is making use of the game environment to your advantage. The invaders are small drones up to huge fighting robots that know nothing but killing.

ARC Raiders release postponed

The release was originally planned for 2022, but as early as August 2022, Embark Studios had to postpone the release. In doing so, the developers said that more time is needed for a better gaming experience so that ARC Raiders can reach its full potential.

As of now, ARC Raiders is scheduled to release in 2023 for PC, Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5.