Asher Mir is back - Morse code reveals survival in Destiny 2 Lightfall

08 March 2023, 21:00 / by Tom Schwiha
Asher Mir is back - Morse code reveals survival in Destiny 2 Lightfall

The popular FPS game Destiny 2 has revealed another secret that has fans in a frenzy: A Morse code message on the Inside Line exotic Sparrow Lore tab indicates that Asher Mir, the brash researcher, continues to survive in the Vex network. Players haven't heard from the character in over two years, and his words are reflected in the message.

Morse code message

The Morse code message "STILL ALIVE INSIDE NETWORK IDIOT KIDS" on the Inside Line exotic Sparrow Lore tab was quickly deciphered by the Destiny 2 community. The message strongly resembles Asher Mir, the researcher who has been missing from the game for a long time. It is known that Asher Mir has used Morse code in the past to communicate, providing players with another clue to his identity.

Further clues in the game

The speculation that Asher Mir continues to live in the Vex world is reinforced by his appearance in the Partition: Hard Reset mission, which is part of the new activities and quests in the Season of Defiance. Although it remains unclear what role Asher Mir will play in the seasonal storyline, many players were excited to see his appearance.

Surviving in the Vex Network

Asher Mir's form may have survived within the Vex network, where he may exist as an avatar or in a space between technology and the real world. The Vex themselves are living beings, although they also have a robotic form, which strengthens the speculation that Asher Mir continues to live within this network.

Sparrow Racing

The Inside Line exotic Sparrow can be earned as a reward for purchasing the Season 20 Pass. Some critics of the game have called for the return of the Sparrow Racing League, an activity from the original Destiny game where Guardians compete against each other in Sparrow races.

A Farewell Message

The reference to "idiot kids" could be referring to the lore entry and indicating that Asher Mir is attempting to communicate with others whom he does not trust. The message could also be interpreted as a farewell from Asher Mir, ensuring that his friends know that he is still alive.

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