Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Last patch released

21 February 2023
Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Last patch released

The end of an era is upon us: After more than two years and countless updates, the last patch of the series is released today.

In addition to numerous expansions, regular patches and more comprehensive updates that Ubisoft has been giving us over the last two years, today marks the last patch of the epic Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. The story had already been concluded in December with The Final Chapter, as we reported back then.

Rather small update

At just 6.3 GB, this patch is a relatively slim one. It fixes some issues, including previously purchased items missing from the player's inventory, equipment packages still appearing in the store when the contents of the package are already owned, and no pop-ups in the game appearing when starting the game for the shared progress and the last chapter.

This should also make the completion of the game more pleasant. What is your opinion on the end of the game? Are you ready to let go or are you delaying the end?