Battlefield 2042: DICE seeks your opinion and favorite modes - Community feedback and voting for Battlefield Portal modes

13 May 2023, 19:20 / by Fabian Roßbach
Battlefield 2042: DICE seeks your opinion and favorite modes - Community feedback and voting for Battlefield Portal modes

New community feedback on sprint mechanics

DICE has launched a new community feedback for Battlefield 2042 focusing on sprinting in the game. With the traversal sprint mechanics in Battlefield 2042, DICE is asking players:

  • What do you think of this feature?
  • Does your experience with it differ from map to map?

If you would like to share your thoughts or suggestions, you can do so by joining the Battlefield Discord server. The personal tone of the message is maintained throughout the translation.

Vote for your favorite Battlefield Portal experiences!

DICE has also launched a way for players to vote for their favorite Battlefield Portal experiences! Those that receive the most votes will be part of the rotation in the coming weeks!

Here are the modes that players can vote for:

  • 2042 Infantry Conquest
  • 2042 All-Out Superiority
  • Battlefield World Tour
  • Conquest Superiority
  • 1942 Rendezvous
  • 2042 Tank Superiority
  • 2042 Air Superiority
  • Conquest of Ages
  • TDM of Ages
  • SMG Rush
  • Gun Master BF3
  • Team Gun Master 2042
  • Gun Roulette
  • 2042 FFA
  • 2042 TDM Hardcore
  • Squid G's Chaos
  • Tactical Conquest

You can cast your vote here. Note that it is a Google document and you must be logged into an active Gmail account to vote.

Preview of Squad Management and Squad Commands changes for Season 5

In other Battlefield 2042 news, DICE has given players a preview of the changes and additions to Squad Management and Squad Commands that will be coming in Season 5. Stay tuned for more information and updates on these exciting new features!

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