Battlefield 2042 - All info on Season 4 and Season 5

04 December 2022, 15:00 / by Tom Schwiha
Battlefield 2042 - All info on Season 4 and Season 5

It's taking Battlefield 2042 a while to recover from its disastrous launch. Many major problems have now been resolved and three seasons of new content have been added to the multiplayer shooter. We reported a few weeks ago that there would be more after Season 3. Now the official confirmation has arrived: There will be another season after the fourth. In addition, the developers are already giving us a glimpse of the new maps.

Battlefield 2042 - Season 4

This is scheduled for early 2023, probably in February. The season will feature a new Battle Pass, a new Specialist and additional hardware. In addition to new weapons and additional firearms from the portal mode, there will be a new map.

Battlefield 2042 - Season 5

So far, only little is known, but it is assumed that there will probably be no new Specialist here. In addition, the season will, as usual, provide new content that is typical for a new season. In addition, the developers announced that the map of the fifth season will be released in May 2023.

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