Battlefield 2042 - The maps and modes in overview

30 August 2021, 22:56 / by Fabian Roßbach
Battlefield 2042 - The maps and modes in overview

It's now almost 20 years since the first ever game in the hugely popular Battlefield series of first-person shooters was released. Battlefield 1942, the first in the series, came out in 2002 and is set during the Second World War. Since the Battlefield series was launched, a total of 12 titles in the series have been released. And on 22 October 2021, the 13th instalment in the series, Battlefield 2042, is due to follow.

Like its predecessors, Battlefield 2042 will be equipped with different game modes and maps. If you want to find out more about the latest Battlefield instalment, its maps and modes, you should read on.

The game modes of Battlefield 2042

Battlefield games are particularly well known among shooter fans for the fact that, during individual matches, there can be full-scale mass battles. While in most other instalments in the series, two teams of up to 32 players can compete against each other in multiplayer matches, in the latest instalment it will be possible for up to 128 players to be on a server at any one time, resulting in mass battles between two teams of 64 players. So, as a fan, you can look forward to shooting and throwing virtual grenades at more other players in Battlefield 2042 than ever before.

Game mode: Conquest (Conquest)

This is definitely a classic among the Battlefield game modes. It has been playable in almost every other instalment in the series. But in the new Battlefield 2042, Conquest is going to have to undergo the most changes. Due to the increased server capacity, the maps in the new Battlefield will be the biggest that have ever been in the series. So that there isn't just an empty battlefield on these maps, the developers have come up with a new system to counter this possible problem and bring more life (and death) to the battlefield.

In "Conquest", a map is divided into several sections (sectors), each with several flags or control points. The developers say that the individual sectors on a map will be themed differently from each other. In some sectors on a map, for example, infantry fighting will be

Battlefield 2042 Maps

In addition to the size of the upcoming maps for the latest Battlefield installment, the game will also offer a diverse selection of maps.

Set in the South Korean metropolis of Incheon and characterized by a large number of skyscrapers.

Set in Singapore on the island of Brani. Americans and Russians are fighting here for an American port that is important for American supply deliveries.

A rocket launch site in French Guiana (South America). The fighting takes place mainly around the space port and the large rocket can take off during the game.

The scene of the action is the Indian coast of Alang. There are numerous large shipwrecks that have been stranded on the coast by the stormy weather.

A fight in the middle of the desert in Egypt. In the center of the map is a gigantic wall that practically halves the map.

Everything takes place in Qatar. The desert sand has practically swallowed the metropolis of Dora. And the desert that has arisen as a result is used as a battlefield by two rivaling troops fighting for a convoy.

This is the largest map that Battlefield 2042 will bring with it at release. The scene of the fighting is Antarctica, where gas and oil are being fought for.


One of the upcoming game modes will be "Battlefield Portals". Among other things, there will be six different maps playable there that you already know from previous Battlefield parts. The upcoming maps will be "El Alamein", "Battle of the Bulge", "Arica Harbor", "Valparaiso", "Caspian Border" and "Noshar Canals".

As soon as the game is released, we will of course show you directly on

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