Battlefield 2042: Universal Weapon Skins and Attachments for Vault Weapons in Patch 5.0 - All the Exciting Details About the Upcoming Updates

03 May 2023, 21:00 / by Tom Schwiha
Battlefield 2042: Universal Weapon Skins and Attachments for Vault Weapons in Patch 5.0 - All the Exciting Details About the Upcoming Updates

Inside Battlefield Podcast: News on Vault Weapons and More

In the latest episode of the Inside Battlefield podcast, DICE talks about the planned updates for Battlefield 2042 regarding Vault weapons and upcoming patches. The developers have made some interesting announcements that you shouldn't miss.

Key takeaways from the podcast:

  • Universal weapon skins for all Vault weapons with Patch 5.0
  • A selected amount of AOW attachments for Vault weapons, starting with assault rifles and the GOL sniper rifle, with more to come in updates 5.1/5.2
  • Extended magazines are coming (AEK with 40 rounds?)
  • G57-Burst will be nerfed
  • RM68 will receive adjustments
  • S5 weapon has "50" in its name and is a returning weapon

Keep in mind that Patch 5.0 is the big Season 5 patch for which there is currently no release date. But don't worry – we'll keep you updated! In the meantime, let's take a closer look at the points mentioned above.

Universal weapon skins and attachments: What can we expect?

With Patch 5.0, universal weapon skins will be introduced for all Vault weapons. This means that you can give even more individuality to your favorite weapons in Battlefield 2042. We're excited to see what designs DICE has in store for us!

In addition, selected AOW attachments for Vault weapons will be added to the game, starting with assault rifles and the GOL sniper rifle. More attachments will follow in updates 5.1 and 5.2. This allows you to further optimize your Vault weapons and adapt them to your playstyle.

Changes to weapon balance and adjustments

There are also some changes in terms of weapon balance: The G57 Burst will be weakened to enable a fairer gaming experience. In addition, the RM68 will receive adjustments that have not yet been explained in detail. We're curious about the exact changes and how they will affect gameplay.

It's also interesting to note the hint of a returning weapon with "50" in its name as part of the S5 weapons. What weapon could that be, and how will it enrich the game? We look forward to learning more about it!

What comes after Patch 5.0?

Even though the release date of Patch 5.0 is not yet set, DICE has already given a glimpse into some quality improvements that will come with the new season. So, we can be excited about what's to come in Battlefield 2042.

Stay tuned to Keyfuchs for all the latest news about Battlefield 2042 and future updates – we'll keep you updated!

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