Baldur's Gate 3 - The Mystery of the Silent Library

15 August 2023
Baldur's Gate 3 - The Mystery of the Silent Library

The Challenging Puzzle of the Silent Library

Among the many challenges and puzzles in Baldur's Gate 3, the task in the silent library is one that tests your group's ability to fight without magic. Here, the combat prowess of your group is tested without the use of magic. You must solve a puzzle to obtain the powerful weapon "Spear of Night" for an important quest in the area.

Location and Introduction to the Puzzle

The silent library is located towards the lower area of the Gauntlet of Shar, roughly where the Faith-Leap path is. You can recognize this area by the large gate covered with a thin, white magical veil. This is a silence effect that makes it impossible to cast spells within the library unless you deactivate the magic.

Steps to Solve the Puzzle

  1. Once you enter the library, you must defeat multiple enemies and find a book that unlocks a hidden treasure room.
  2. You'll notice a large gate that needs to be opened with a dexterity test.
  3. In the inner section of the library, you'll encounter the main puzzle of the puzzle: "What can silence the Nightsong?"
  4. The book "Teachings of Loss: The Night Singer" holds the answer and must be returned to the altar.
  5. This will open a hidden passage to the main reward - the Spear of Night.

By the way, the Spear of Night is a key item for quests related to Shadowheart's story. So, it's definitely something you shouldn't miss on your adventure in Baldur's Gate 3!

Final Thoughts

The Silent Library is certainly a challenge for any adventurer in Baldur's Gate 3. But with this guide, solving the puzzle should be easier for you. And who knows? Perhaps you're already on your way to more exciting adventures and new Steam Keys. Happy adventuring!