Biomutant - Possible release in 2021

24 November 2020, 21:48 / by Fabian Roßbach
Biomutant - Possible release in 2021

Biomutant: Everything you need to know about the release of the highly anticipated action-RPG

Biomutant caused a lot of euphoria when it was announced. After repeated delays of the release date, rumors about the suppression of the game became loud. In a statement, the responsible development team Experiment 101 cleared up the concerns now. In the following article we summarize the new information about the release of Biomutant for you.

New hope for the imminent release of Biomutant

The original announcement of the game took place in August 2017 by the development studio Experiment 101. A week later, visitors to Gamescom in Cologne were able to take a first look at the world and gameplay of Biomutant. Stefan Ljungqvist, head developer at Experiment 101, named the combat system of Biomutant as the biggest challenge. It is a demanding mix of close and long-range combat, special attacks and classic Kung-Fu techniques. Finding the balance between demanding and intuitive combat turned out to be a time-consuming task for the developers.

The game, published by THQ Nordic, was originally supposed to be released at the end of 2018. It did not take long for the time window to be extended. In November 2019, Embracer Group, the parent company of THQ Nordic, announced the final development phase and imminent release of Biomutant. The good news seemed to be confirmed when, shortly afterwards, several retailers dated the game for March 2020. The first half of the year passed and fans waited in vain for the release of Biomutant. At the same time, the developers fell silent and neither maintained the official website nor the Twitter account of the game. Disappointed fans feared that Biomutant was not only postponed, but canceled.

After months of worrying, the team of Experiment 101 calmed the fears of the fans in a message on Twitter. In their statement, the developers let it be known that Biomutant was not stamped out, but in the intensive final phase. They referred to the size, the length and the detailed world of the game to explain the extended development time. As soon as the game is ready for release, an exact release date will be announced.

Possible Release of Biomutant in 2021

After a delay of more than two years, it seems that the development of Biomutant is now entering the hot phase. The Twitter message from Experiment 101 strongly suggests that the game only needs a final polish. The release can therefore be expected in the course of 2021.

A promising story and multifaceted gameplay

Biomutant is set in a post-apocalyptic world where the fate of the Earth lies in the paws of cats. With a mix of traditional combat techniques, biomechanical body parts and improvised weapons, the four-legged creatures try to master the numerous threats. The game is aimed at fans of action RPGs who value a customizable protagonist and an interactive story.

The development studio behind Biomutant

The development was taken over by the Swedish studio Experiment 101. Biomutant is the first game of the team. Despite the short company history, the creative minds at Experiment 101 have extensive experience in the action genre. The staff consists of former employees of the development team Avalanche Studios, which made a name for itself with the Just Cause series and Rage 2.

You can't wait for the release of Biomutant?

As soon as Biomutant is released, you will find the cheapest key in our portal with which you can immediately dive into the world of the fighting four-legged creatures. Until then, browse our large selection of safe and affordable game keys for other popular action RPGs such as Just Cause and Rage 2.

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