Blooper Team - Silent Hill Competitor

11 March 2023, 12:31 / by Fabian Roßbach
Blooper Team - Silent Hill Competitor

Blooper Team, the renowned horror game developer, has set an ambitious goal for itself: to compete with industry giants in the horror genre such as Resident Evil, The Last of Us, and Hellblade. The studio is relying on a new game, Silent Hill 2, which it plans to completely redesign. The game is intended to generate mass appeal and draw viewers into the world of horror. In an interview with IGN, CEO Piotr Babieno discusses the studio's plans and provides insight into the company's future strategy.

Expanding Gameplay Mechanics

Blooper Team's developers want to broaden the base of their games and move away from the simple mechanics of so-called "walking simulator" games. Babieno announces that the company will be developing complex and larger games in the future that generate the mass appeal that players seek. Blooper is to be known as the company that defines the future of video game horror.

Silent Hill 2 Remake

The company is currently focusing on a remake of Silent Hill 2, which is intended to generate the mass appeal that Babieno is striving for. However, he emphasizes that the company currently has no plans for re-releasing the game.

Private Division Project

The company is also working on a secret project with Private Division, which is currently in development. Babieno has not provided any details about what it is, but has made it clear that this is an important part of Blooper Team's strategy to be successful.

The Future of Blooper

Blooper Team has set a goal that it will pursue in the future. Babieno presented the idea of "Blooper 3.0", which represents a long-term vision for the company. The idea is to internally develop psychological horror games that will make many people talk about them and define the future of the genre.

Independence is Key

Babieno also wanted to make it clear that Blooper Team has no interest in being acquired by other companies. The company wants to remain independent and focus on developing games that truly make it proud. It wants to prevent other companies from deciding what types of games it can make.

Overall, Babieno's interview shows that Blooper Team is ready for the future and has a clear vision for designing games. The company wants to define the future of horror games and generate the mass appeal that players are looking for.

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