Chorus - A space shooter in the footsteps of Star Fox and Co.

17 February 2021, 21:29 / by Fabian Roßbach
Chorus - A space shooter in the footsteps of Star Fox and Co.

While it has been relatively quiet lately around the legendary Star Fox series from Nintendo's stable, various titles are currently trying to fill this gap and win over the Star Fox fanbase.

One of the most promising candidates is undoubtedly Fish Labs' Chorus, which focuses on Nara, a former member of the so-called "Circle" cult. Nara has now switched sides and is fighting the dark cult. So while you fight for your survival and explore new worlds with Nara in the vastness of space, you will regularly face heated dogfights in which you try to stand up to dangerous opponents.

Different weapon systems and smaller gameplay features such as 180 degree turns, barrel rolls or remote-controlled rockets provide the necessary variety and complexity in Chorus. So everything that has made genre classics like Star Fox legendary in the past. The plot of Chorus is supposed to take a step back from the classic good/evil scheme and tell you a story in which gray areas and small details can sometimes make a difference.

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