Chorus - Chorus - The story will be really dark

11 November 2021
Chorus - Chorus - The story will be really dark

With Chorus, Hamburg-based developer Fishlabs is taking another step in the genre of space shooters. But while the studio's previous work was more colorful, Chorus is much darker. This affects both the story of the space shooter and its game world.

You slip into the role of the protagonist Nora. The experienced combat pilot was involved in the creation of a dark cult that pursues its own plans and causes fear and terror in the galaxy. A few years after the cult was founded, Nora decides to leave it and face her tragic past by taking on her former allies.

Prove yourself in heated space battles

The tragic story of Nora and her desperate fight against the powerful cult is told to you through elaborate cutscenes. But not only does the story of Chorus appeal to fans of dark fare, the game world itself quickly makes it clear that you will be confronted with a merciless fight for survival. In terms of gameplay, the space battles of Chorus will demand a lot from you.

This is what the developers of Fishlabs promise no less than an "evolution of space combat shooters" and transport you into a world in which Nora is hunted by her former allies. This takes her on a journey across the galaxy, where she encounters diverse locations such as an imposing space station or strange planes of existence.

Combine your weapons and abilities

Since the dark cult cannot be persuaded with good arguments, Nora relies on a combination of mind-altering abilities on the one hand and devastating weapons on the other, with which she is able to cope with even larger waves of enemies. Nora's abilities include, for example, teleportation, with which she can free herself from dangerous situations, or extrasensory perception, which allows her to gain an overview of the current situation.

The firepower of Nora's weapons, on the other hand, is needed to stop the cult and its dark leaders. It goes without saying that the makers of Fishlabs did not skimp on the big boss and confront you at more or less regular intervals with boss battles that can only be mastered with the skillful combination of Nora's abilities and her deadly weapons. The drift mechanics of your spaceship are of paramount importance.