Cities: Skylines 2 - Developer Diary

20 June 2023, 08:17 / by Tom Schwiha
Cities: Skylines 2 - Developer Diary

Welcome to the world of Cities: Skylines 2

Hello everyone! We're here to show you the exciting world of developer diaries for Cities: Skylines II! Over the next few months, you'll learn everything about the game - from expanded familiar features to brand new elements. Let's take a look at the game's development, its improvements compared to Cities: Skylines, and the new and exciting features to make your dream city better than ever!

Road tools in Cities: Skylines 2

Roads are the backbone of a city. That's why we're starting the developer diaries by taking a look at how the road tools for Cities: Skylines II have been expanded. The developers' goal was to keep the experience familiar for returning players, ensure that the tools are easy to learn for new players, and expand the options with desired features such as roundabouts, cut and fill roads, and parking lots.

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