Cities: Skylines 2 - All information & exciting innovations at a glance

14 July 2023, 03:26 / by Tom Schwiha
Cities: Skylines 2 - All information & exciting innovations at a glance

Welcome to your new city

Attention, fans of city-building simulations! Get ready for an exciting new release - Cities: Skylines 2. The sequel to the beloved classic promises even more control, complexity, and creativity when it comes to building cities. But don't worry, it won't be more complicated - we promise!

More than just an update

Cities: Skylines 2 is not just a simple update of its predecessor. No, the developers have gone all out and present us with a completely new gaming experience, packed with exciting features. They stay true to the roots of the game, giving you as the mayor full control over your city.

Zoning made easy

One of the central elements in Cities: Skylines 2 is zoning. Not only can you decide where residential, commercial, and industrial areas should be located, but you also have the ability to plan and customize these zones in detail. Sounds complex? It's not! Thanks to an intuitive user interface, the game remains easy to understand and accessible despite its depth.

Furthermore, the team behind Cities: Skylines 2 has developed a series of tutorials and guides to help you with zoning. This way, you can bring your dream city to life step by step.

New features and improvements

  • More control: Determine how your city looks and functions.
  • More depth: With the expanded zoning system, you can customize every aspect of your city in detail.
  • More challenges: New gameplay mechanics bring fresh excitement and present you with thrilling challenges.
  • More support: Numerous tutorials help you stay on top of things and successfully manage your city.

As you can see, Cities: Skylines 2 offers you plenty of opportunities to unleash your creativity. Whether you want to create a green eco-city or a bustling metropolis, anything is possible!


Cities: Skylines 2 sets new standards in the city-building simulation genre. With its extensive features and improvements, it provides both seasoned players and newcomers with a lot of fun. So what are you waiting for? Grab your Steam Key and get started!

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