Control - Remedy Entertainment announces sequel

12 November 2022, 12:00 / by Fabian Roßbach
Control - Remedy Entertainment announces sequel

Remedy Entertainment has announced that they are working on a sequel to the sci-fi action game Control. However, the game is currently only in the conceptual phase and they can't say anything more specific yet.

Large Budget

In addition to a general announcement, Remedy has commented on the financing of the game. This is relatively generous at 50 million euros for the beginning. However, it was not mentioned how and whether the budget will change during development. 

For the PC release, Remedy will be responsible, while 505 Games will take over the release for PlayStation and Xbox. 

For the engine, they have chosen the Finnish Northlight engine. This was already used in the predecessor. The upcoming Alan Wake II is also being developed in this engine.

As soon as we receive more information about Control 2, we will report on it.

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