Counter-Strike 2: The Revolution thanks to Follow-Recoil? - Altered shooting behavior and its impact on gameplay

17 April 2023
Counter-Strike 2: The Revolution thanks to Follow-Recoil? - Altered shooting behavior and its impact on gameplay

The Introduction of Follow-Recoil in Counter-Strike 2

Although competitive FPS games are ubiquitous nowadays, few can match the unparalleled attention to realistic gunplay found in CSGO. Shooting in Counter-Strike games is rarely as simple as aiming for the head. Instead, real gun mechanics are involved, such as recoil and bullet spread. Players must learn to control weapon spray precisely, which presents a superior challenge. However, with the release of Counter-Strike 2, a good reason is approaching why the next Valve shooter should introduce Follow-Recoil and make CS2 more accessible to players.

In CS2, players can easily activate Follow-Recoil in the settings menu. This feature has the potential to change the game and reduce shooting to something less complex.

What is Follow Recoil?

In Counter-Strike 2, players can activate Follow Recoil in the game settings to make their crosshair follow the bullets. This way, they don't have to guess when to reset or spray down and also don't have to learn patterns for each weapon. The crosshair provides all visual information in real-time.

With Follow Recoil, players don't have to estimate their bullets or adapt to patterns for each weapon. There is only one rule: the crosshair should stay within the opponent's hitbox. After the first few bullets, one will see the crosshair moving out of the hitbox, indicating that the spread has started and one should start pulling the mouse down or controlling it to stay on the head. These in-game visuals will make shooting much easier compared to CSGO.

The impact of Follow Recoil on CS2

In theory, Follow Recoil doesn't sound too impressive, but it will drastically change how CS2 is played. New players may find it easier to master shooting, increasing the incentive for them to stay longer in the game.

However, there is also a risk that Follow Recoil will change the current skill ceiling in Counter-Strike. CS2 is still in beta, so it's too early for final statements. But if Follow Recoil is as powerful as it sounds on paper, CS2 could lose its unique weapon mechanics.

Follow Recoil: Revolution or Risk?

Having better access to shooting in CS2 for newcomers is not a bad thing in itself. But the changes that Follow Recoil could make to the carefully balanced Counter-Strike shooting mechanics and skill hierarchy may be too drastic.

Follow Recoil increases a player's chance of landing a headshot even while moving. For example, if one is equipped with a weapon with extended spray, such as a MAC10, and is running from left to right while shooting, one can avoid bullets by sidestepping. With the MAC10 magazine and Follow Recoil activated, one has better chances of landing an easy kill while running, as the crosshair can guide the bullets.

Now imagine this trick with a Negev: with 150 shots in a single round, one can engage the enemy with a higher headshot probability. One just has to keep the crosshair on the head; no more estimating and standing still, to be precise.

In general, Follow Recoil may seem uncomfortable for experienced CSGO players, but it's worth a try. It offers many advantages, strengthens the player base of CS2, and introduces a more diverse range of playstyles and approaches. This will challenge dedicated players to face new challenges.

Looking ahead to Counter-Strike 2

We'll see how everything develops once CS2 is released in the summer. In the meantime, it's worth taking a look at the revamped Counter-Strike 2 maps and the extensive list of changes in Counter-Strike 2 to know exactly how Valve wants to change the game. And don't forget to visit Keyfuchs to always get the best deals on Steam keys.