Counter-Strike 2 Update - Maps make a comeback

18 August 2023, 20:45 / by Tom Schwiha
Counter-Strike 2 Update - Maps make a comeback

The excitement builds with the latest update of Counter-Strike 2

Hey gamers, have you heard the news? Valve has released new patch notes for Counter-Strike 2, announcing the return of all maps and possibly hinting at an upcoming beta version. Yes, you heard it right! Although Counter-Strike 2 is not yet fully here, this upcoming FPS game is already captivating fans around the world.

Valve has been keeping the hype alive with its limited playtest, but many players are eagerly awaiting news of an open beta or early access. The team behind Steam has been working hard to improve Counter-Strike 2 through updates to its limited test, and the latest one could actually be pointing towards some kind of CS2 release.

What does the update bring?

Many players have not been lucky enough to be included in the limited test for CS2 - only a few chosen ones had the opportunity to try out the early versions of the game. But the latest update of the limited test could bring good news. Because it means the return of every single old map that has been included in the closed beta so far. If you are one of the lucky ones currently playing Counter-Strike, you can jump into any of the maps in both casual and deathmatch game modes.

Other changes with the new update

Another important change with this limited test update is the reintroduction of every single game mode that was previously shipped in the closed version of CS2. With all these suddenly reintroduced features in the upcoming FPS, there is naturally speculation that Valve will either announce an open beta or a significant release date. But hey, this is purely speculation on my part - nevertheless, it's a great update for the limited test!

Exact details on the Counter-Strike 2 patch notes

For all you detail-oriented folks out there, here's a closer look at the patch notes from Thursday, August 17, 2023:

  • Maps:
    • All maps delivered in the limited test are available in casual and deathmatch matchmaking.
    • All maps and game modes from the limited test are available for offline play.
  • Gameplay:
    • Dropped bombs no longer sink in water.
    • The bullet penetration system has been reworked.
    • Bot takeovers have been enabled where applicable.

With this information, you are now well-informed and ready for everything coming in Counter-Strike 2! Stay tuned for more updates and happy gaming!

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