Crusader Kings III - Exploring the University Visit Activity in Detail

21 June 2023, 08:03 / by Tom Schwiha
Crusader Kings III - Exploring the University Visit Activity in Detail

The University Visit Activity in Crusader Kings III

Welcome, aspiring ruler of the medieval world! Today, we want to introduce you to the University Visit activity in Crusader Kings III. This fascinating feature offers you new ways to influence the personal growth of your character and immerse yourself deeper into the history of the Middle Ages.

Medieval universities were not limited to Western Europe – there were also significant educational institutions in India, the Middle East, and the Islamic world. As a ruler, you now have the opportunity to visit these places and advance your education. But how does it work exactly? Let's take a closer look!

How to Start a University Visit Activity

The University Visit activity is a small activity that adult rulers can start at any time, as long as there is enough gold available. The activity lasts for six months and can only be carried out every 20 years - and only once per location. To visit a university, you must select a valid location within your diplomatic range and travel there.

The Two Intentions: Hard Study vs. Goliardic Lifestyle

Within the University Visit activity, you can choose between two intentions: "Hard Study" and "Goliardic Lifestyle". These represent two contrasting approaches to your university experience and influence both your learning strategy and the results you can achieve.

Rewards of the University Visit Activity

The main reward for participating in this activity is to increase your education level by one level. The chance of success is higher the lower your current education level and the more diligent your character is. But don't worry: even if you fail to improve your education, there are guaranteed rewards such as advantage points, experience points, skill points, and even a prestigious book!

New Level for Education Traits

Along with the University Visit activity, a new level for all education traits has been introduced. This final level is extremely rare and mainly reserved for university teachers and graduates who have already started with the fourth level trait.

Conclusion: A Must for Crusader Kings III Fans

The University Visit activity in Crusader Kings III is an exciting feature that opens up new opportunities for your character's development. Whether you choose the path of hard study or goliardic lifestyle, this activity guarantees interesting rewards and allows you to delve even deeper into the world of the Middle Ages. So don't hesitate any longer and visit one of the many universities in Crusader Kings III!

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