Cyberpunk 2077 - the new open-world action adventure

23 September 2020, 18:00 / by Tom Schwiha
Cyberpunk 2077 - the new open-world action adventure

With Cyberpunk 2077, Polish developer CD Projekt RED has set itself the task of creating an extraordinary role-playing game that offers even more narrative and gameplay than The Witcher 3. You are V, a mercenary in the fictional city of Night City in California in 2077. The dark game world offers an open world with six different regions that will be freely accessible. CD Projekt RED is still keeping tight-lipped about the plot, but we know that the alteration of the human body and its properties through technical implants will be in the foreground.

Release date finally announced!

The science fiction role-playing game was originally supposed to be released in April 2020. Then the release was first postponed to September 2020. But in September, fans of the long-awaited blockbuster had to wait another two months. CD Projekt RED cited the difficult conditions caused by the coronavirus pandemic as well as the fact that they really wanted to release the game only when the final touches were completed.

Now the developer has assured via the official Twitter account of the game that there will be no further postponement. Cyberpunk 2077 will definitely be released on November 19, 2020 for Playstation 4, Xbox One and Microsoft Windows.

The world of Cyberpunk 2077 reacts to you

At the latest since the presentation of the creation mode for the player character V it is clear that CD Projekt RED has set itself high goals. According to the developer, V can be completely customized by you. Gender, clothing, weapons, implants: These areas are all said to influence how the fights take place, how non-player characters (NPCs) react to you and which decision-making options become available during the course of the action. Now more details about the NPCs have been added. Many of them can temporarily become your companions according to CD Projekt RED. However, a dynamic friend-enemy system can also lead to you making new enemies among the NPCs.

Night City Wire Livestream on September 18

Night City Wire is a digital event that CD Projekt RED has been using to keep the public up to date on the development of Cyberpunk 2077 since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic.

In previous episodes, the studio had already addressed how character creation will work in Cyberpunk 2077, what weapons there are, and how the game world is designed. In the third episode announced for September 18, fans will now learn more about the factions of the city of Night City. A surprise was also announced.

To find out what details Night City Wire 3 will bring and all the other new news about Cyberpunkt 2077, check the Keyfuchs News Portal regularly. In addition, you can take a look at the Keyfuchs Comparison Portal to see the best offers for Cyberpunk 2077 keys.

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