Deceive Inc. Weekend Update - What to expect after the free weekend

01 May 2023, 22:28 / by Tom Schwiha
Deceive Inc. Weekend Update - What to expect after the free weekend

Welcome back, agents!

After the free weekend, we want to thank everyone who played Deceive Inc. in the last few days. It was a great experience to see so many agents on the field and to break our player number records day by day.

Compensation for matchmaking issues

Due to the increased number of players, there were unfortunately some issues with matchmaking. As compensation, 2 EXP boosters will be credited to every account in the next few hours. Stay tuned for further news on when exactly you can expect to receive them.

Current Issues and Future Improvements

Here is some information about current issues and what you can expect in the future:

  • Matchmaking Issues: We are currently investigating the causes of the issues that occurred during peak times of the free weekend to avoid such difficulties in the future.
  • Spawn Positions: Some players complained about spawn points being too close together. We are working to improve this situation and will adjust the most noticeable positions in the short term.
  • Heat System: We are working on improving the heat system to be more robust, responsive, and long-lasting. Details on this will follow soon.
  • Third Parties: We are considering measures against the so-called "third party" phenomenon in solo mode to make it less attractive or more difficult to carry out.
  • General Balance: We have been tracking feedback since the introduction of Misery Empire and are preparing a short-term balance adjustment to address some frustrations and give certain agents more room to play.
  • Performance: Performance is not where we want it to be yet. We are actively working to enable higher frame rates for all platforms. This will be an ongoing process that improves from patch to patch.
  • Bug Fixes: We are analyzing the error reports from the weekend and will prioritize the most important issues. Bug fixes will be introduced continuously in future patches.
  • Roadmap: The team is working hard on the roadmap elements already released. An updated version will be released in the near future.

Thank you for participating in Deceive Inc. and for your feedback! We'll see you again soon, until then, stay undercover. And if you don't have a key for the game yet, check out our Steam Keys.

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