Deep Rock Galactic - Legacy Edition remains intact

23 March 2023, 20:47 / by Fabian Roßbach
Deep Rock Galactic - Legacy Edition remains intact

Once again, the developers of Deep Rock Galactic have reversed a decision. Recently, the team announced that the Legacy Edition of the game would be removed once the Five Year Anniversary Event was over. However, fan feedback has caused the developers to rethink their plans. The result: The Legacy Edition will remain available on its own Steam branch!

Legacy Edition to remain on its own Steam branch

The Legacy Edition of Deep Rock Galactic has been moved to its own Steam branch, allowing players to continue to access this version. The developers have provided instructions on how to access the Legacy Edition. However, be warned: there will be no more updates or fixes. The Legacy Edition will remain as it was at launch - including bugs and crashes.

Relive the history of Deep Rock Galactic

By choosing to keep the Legacy Edition, players can now dive into the history of Deep Rock Galactic at any time. The Legacy Edition provides insights into the beginnings of the game and shows the progress that has been made since then. The Legacy Edition is not only a kind of "time travel" into the past, but also a tribute to the roots of the game.

The future of Deep Rock Galactic

By choosing to keep the Legacy Edition, the development team of Deep Rock Galactic can now fully focus on the future of the game. Fans can continue to expect new content, updates, and expansions. The team plans to continuously improve and expand the game to make the player experience even better. We are very excited to see what the future holds for Deep Rock Galactic!


The decision to keep the Legacy Edition of Deep Rock Galactic was undoubtedly a good choice. Players now have the opportunity to return to the beginnings of the game at any time and see how the game has developed since then. At the same time, the development team has the opportunity to fully focus on the future of the game and deliver new content and improvements. We look forward to continuing this journey with Deep Rock Galactic and are excited about the upcoming developments!

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