Destiny 2 Finisher: Get "Give 'Em the Chair" for incredible damage - The powerful combination with Felwinter's Helm

15 May 2023, 21:07 / by Tom Schwiha
Destiny 2 Finisher: Get "Give 'Em the Chair" for incredible damage - The powerful combination with Felwinter's Helm

Destiny 2 Finisher "Give 'Em the Chair" and Felwinter's Helm

A Destiny 2 finisher called "Give 'Em the Chair" in combination with the exotic helmet Felwinter's Helm creates massive debuffs for enemies in a large area. The effects of this combination are extremely impressive and bring a new dimension to the FPS game. The finisher has a humorous recoil animation that throws enemies backwards. However, when combined with Felwinter's Helm, the full potential of this finisher is unleashed.

Felwinter's Helm: More than just an aesthetic highlight

Felwinter's Helm is an exotic Warlock helmet that generates energy explosions through final melee attacks and weakens nearby targets. However, when combined with the "Give 'Em the Chair" finisher, the radius of the explosion increases and the duration of the weakening effect is extended. The effectiveness depends on the rank of the defeated enemy. Experienced players can increase the area on which the debuffs are applied through skillful timing of their finishers. According to, the exotic helmet weakens and disorients targets in the vicinity of the location of the enemy's death and increases damage to the enemy by an impressive 30%. Finishers on the most powerful enemies cause a 20-second debuff in a radius of 25 in-game meters.

The Amazing Effect of "Give 'Em the Chair"

The effect of the "Give 'Em the Chair" finisher seems to change the position of the enemy's demise by hurling them backward. This allows players to deal damage over an extremely large distance and a wide area of effect for debuffs. Although it may not be as practical in practice, it is still amusing to watch.

How to Get "Give 'Em the Chair" and Felwinter's Helm?

Players who want to obtain this powerful finisher can purchase it for 800 Bright Dust at Eververse in the Destiny 2 Guardian Games event tab. This means that it can be expected to remain in the game until May 23. To get Felwinter's Helm, players must expand their Destiny 2: Lightfall collection and receive the exotic helmet as a reward for certain activities or in the in-game shop.

Heading into the Future of Destiny 2: Lightfall

With the Destiny 2 Season 21 just a few weeks away, there is still time to obtain all of the Destiny 2: Lightfall exotics before the new season. Players can expect to return to the Titan for the first time in years as the multiplayer game's developers have set their sights on it.

Get Your Destiny 2 Key Now

If you're ready to join the fight and try out this incredible finisher for yourself, you can secure your Destiny 2 key on our Steam Keys page. There, you'll also find many other exciting games and offers. Have fun gaming!

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