Diablo IV - Graphics Card Issues and Long Wait Times in Beta Testing

20 March 2023, 22:00 / by Tom Schwiha
Diablo IV - Graphics Card Issues and Long Wait Times in Beta Testing

Blizzard recently launched the beta test for Diablo IV, and according to some reports, the game seems to be causing some graphics card issues. Additionally, many players have complained about long wait times in the game. In this article, we will delve deeper into both topics and discuss the various positions of the players while keeping the personal tone intact.

Graphics Card Issues in Diablo IV

According to reports, players with an Nvidia GeForce RTX 3080 Ti are experiencing issues with their graphics cards while playing Diablo IV. A specific cut with flowers and a snowy landscape seems to be causing the problem, which is partly affecting both Nvidia and AMD users.

Some players reported that their graphics cards even burned out. However, others only had problems with the specific scene and were able to continue playing the game after restarting their PCs. Some players were also unable to play the game at all. Blizzard has not yet responded to the issues.

Long Wait Times in Beta Testing

While some players struggled with graphics card issues, others complained about long wait times in the game. Many players had to wait in a queue for a long time to be able to play the game. Blizzard asked players to remain in the queue so that their timers would not be reset, but some players had to wait for hours to be able to play the game.

Nevertheless, some players tried to bypass the wait time by simply logging out and logging back in. However, this often resulted in even longer wait times.


It remains to be seen how Blizzard will respond to the reports of graphics card issues and long wait times. In the meantime, players who have issues with their systems may want to wait before trying out Diablo IV. If you are already playing the game, keep the queues in mind and plan ahead to avoid long wait times. We will definitely keep you updated as further developments arise.

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