Diablo 4 - Is the skill tree already too big?

29 November 2020, 17:08 / by Fabian Roßbach
Diablo 4 - Is the skill tree already too big?

The latest installment of the successful game series, Diablo 4, was announced at BlizzCon 2019. Since then, developer and publisher Blizzard has been regularly providing the community with extensive information and details about the new dungeon crawler. In the latest quarterly update, the focus is on an revised skill system. Here's what it's all about.

Previously known: Changes due to criticism from the community

The feedback on Diablo 4's skill system has been overwhelmingly negative so far. Blizzard itself also admitted that it is not yet satisfied with its current state. The developers reported that the skill tree lacked depth. So they took the community's criticism to heart and corrected the corresponding mechanics.

The items contained in the game were completely revised earlier, after the fans expressed their discontent. In the latest quarterly update, Blizzard announced that it also wants to continue to involve the community strongly in the development of the game.

Is the new skill tree too big?

The new skill system definitely deserves the name "skill tree". In sprawling branches there are numerous skills and their extensions. In the upper part of the tree are active skills, while passive buffs are at the bottom of the screen. Square symbols represent the skills to be learned.

Round pictures mimic the corresponding improvements. In the form of red sparkling stones, passive skills fill the gaps. In addition to the skills, the talents that determine the characteristics of each class were also revised.

With the revised system, Blizzard wants to give the character development more depth. In addition, the individuality of each player character is in the foreground. So it should not be possible to learn all the skills of the tree. Only 30 to 40 percent can be unlocked. From a certain point on, players have to choose a certain direction. Since the skills are contrasting specializations, the chosen path depends heavily on the user's playing style.

Whether the new skill tree is too extensive can hardly be answered at the moment. With certainty one can only say that a great depth at the ability system of Diablo 4 was desired by both the development team and the fans. With the recent revisions, Blizzard has undoubtedly ensured that the game has gained in complexity. This may not suit every player type. With a view to the core of the community, however, it is probably a step in the right direction.

Who is Diablo 4 suitable for and what alternatives does Blizzard offer?

Diablo 4 is without a doubt the most comprehensive title in the series. So it is aimed at both tactically minded players and casuals who want high-quality role-playing action. As an alternative to the Diablo series, Blizzard offers the classic World of Warcraft to dedicated RPG fans, which recently received a new addon. With Overwatch 2, the US-American developer also caters to shooter fans.

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