Diablo 4 - Release in 2022

06 November 2021
Diablo 4 - Release in 2022

With Diablo 4, Blizzard Entertainment has a title that many role-playing fans have been eagerly awaiting for some time now. The release of the predecessor Diablo 3 is now also almost 10 years ago, so the hunger for new material is of course all the greater.

Diablo 4 is to be released for both PC and PS4 and Xbox One, but should also find its way to the new console generation thanks to backwards compatibility. The release was originally roughly planned for the year 2022, but at an investors' conference Blizzard announced that some planned titles require more development time, which affects both Overwatch 2 and Diablo 4 in addition to Diablo 4. A new release date was not given, but it is currently rather unlikely that Diablo 4 will be released on the market in 2022.

Despite the postponement, there is also positive news to be announced from Blizzard Entertainment. In their blog, the developers gave exciting insights into the sound design of the role-playing game, which makes a decisive contribution to the atmosphere.

Realistic sounds with attention to detail

The sound framework plays a particularly important role in the design of the open game world of Diablo 4, because it already gave the celebrated predecessors such as Diablo 2 an intense and extraordinary atmosphere.

In order to create an as immersive and lively world as possible, the developers of Diablo 4 also attach great importance to the design of the soundscape and rely on small nuances and details. So every action, every movement in the environment and also every opponent and every hero receives individual sounds, which, thanks to random variations, never appear rigid and artificial, but always dynamic and realistic. The realism is further increased because the sounds are mostly generated in a natural way and captured with microphones, rather than created artificially.

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