Diablo IV 4 - Your Ultimate Guide to Quests and Upgrades

06 June 2023 / by Tom Schwiha
Diablo IV 4 - Your Ultimate Guide to Quests and Upgrades

Exploring the World of Sanctuary in Diablo IV 4

In Diablo IV 4, you can expect countless challenges in the form of main quests, side quests, and priority side quests. As you explore different acts and regions, you'll unlock new abilities, improve your equipment, and of course, have a lot of fun. In this guide, we'll give you an overview of some of the most exciting quests and upgrades in the game.

Quests in Diablo IV 4: Main Campaign, Side Missions & Priorities

The main campaign of Diablo IV 4 consists of six acts and an epilogue. In addition, there are about 100 side quests and 15 priority side quests that focus on specific improvements. You can tackle the quests in any order, but it's recommended to prioritize certain main and side quests to unlock important features and make the gameplay easier.

Main Quests: The Story of Diablo IV 4

The main quests will take you through the exciting story of Diablo IV 4, leading you to various regions of Sanctuary. Some of the main quests include:

  • Prologue: The Wandering Stranger
  • Act 1: A World Betrayed
  • Act 2: The Shattered Blade
  • Act 3: Daughter of Hatred
  • Act 4: The First Among Sorrows
  • Act 5: The Killing Fields
  • Act 6: The Veiled Prophet
  • Epilogue: The Light of Hope

Side Quests: Additional Adventures and Rewards

In addition to the main quests, there are numerous side quests that can be found in various regions such as the Fractured Peaks, Dry Steppes, and other areas. These side tasks offer additional challenges, rewards, and help you increase your character level and obtain new equipment.

Priority Side Quests: Targeted Improvements and Unlocks

Priority side quests should be pursued as soon as they become available, as they aim for specific upgrades and improvements. Some of the most important upgrades and unlocks include:

  • Improving health potions
  • Improving items
  • Extracting and imbuing items
  • Crafting gems
  • Class quest for specific combat abilities

Optimize Your Gameplay in Diablo IV 4

Exploring the various regions of Sanctuary will provide you with additional resources and may offer the best farming areas for XP, gold, and legendary items. To get the most out of your adventure, be sure to tackle the right quests at the right time and use your upgrades strategically.

Want to further optimize your gameplay experience? Then visit our page for the game Diablo IV 4 to get all the essential information. And if you want to learn more about Diablo IV 4 or need help with a specific quest, don't hesitate to leave us a comment or contact us on our social media channels. We wish you a lot of fun playing!

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