Diablo IV: The first patch update is here! - Discover the key improvements and changes

15 April 2023
Diablo IV: The first patch update is here! - Discover the key improvements and changes

The first Diablo IV patch update has been released

Blizzard has recently released the first Diablo IV patch update after two public beta test weekends. The initial signs are extremely encouraging, indicating that Blizzard is already responding to player feedback and making smart changes ahead of the Diablo IV release date. This bodes well for successful long-term support of the game.

Extensive changes in various systems

The development team has made numerous corrections and updates to various systems in Diablo IV in the first patch, including:

  • Improvements to dungeons
  • Updates to the user interface and controls
  • Balance changes for each of the Diablo IV classes available at launch

These changes are included in the version of the game launching on June 6th.

Improvements in Dungeons

The dungeons in Diablo IV now offer significantly more events, with spawn rates increased from previously meager 10% to up to 60%. Layout changes drastically reduce backtracking and make it easier to find core objectives. Waiting for socketing targets has been completely removed, and resources and cooldowns are reset with each action.

Adjustments to Boss Fights

Some of the larger Diablo IV bosses, such as Vhenard, T'chort, and Malnok, which posed a dramatic difficulty spike for melee characters, have changed some combat mechanics to better balance things out.

Control Adjustments

One of the biggest changes in the patch notes is one of the most subtle: players can now map movement and interaction inputs to one button and their primary attack to a secondary button. This was one of the most common criticisms among action RPG veterans.

Class Balancing

All five classes undergo some changes to improve balancing. Barbarians receive passive damage reduction, Druids receive multiple buffs, Rogues are slightly less focused on their Imbuement abilities, and the two strongest classes in the beta receive slight nerfs to some of their strongest tools.

"Reset Dungeon" function disabled

Blizzard has clarified that disabling the "Reset Dungeon" function is intended to encourage players to explore a variety of activities, rather than repeatedly doing the same thing. It is mentioned that the team is looking for a more permanent solution, such as a cap on how many times the same dungeon can be completed in a row.

Community reactions

The initial reactions to the blog post are overwhelmingly positive. Blizzard has addressed most of the community's concerns in a smart way and clearly communicated its thoughts and future plans to the players.

Further information

The full Diablo IV patch notes prior to release contain information on dungeon layouts, dungeon gameplay mechanics, class changes, UI fixes, encounter fixes, cellar changes, and quality improvements. While Blizzard has confirmed that there will be no Diablo IV endgame beta, you can prepare for the launch with the Diablo IV skill tree builder. Also, make sure your PC meets the Diablo IV system requirements so you're ready when June arrives.