Division Day - Keeping an Eye on the Future of The Division

19 April 2023, 13:59 / by Tom Schwiha
Division Day - Keeping an Eye on the Future of The Division

Division Day: A Celebration for Fans of The Division Series

Ubisoft recently announced a special event that is sure to excite all fans of The Division series. On April 20th, the "Division Day" will take place. In an exclusive stream, the developers will shed light on the past, present, and future of the games surrounding The Division.

Exciting updates are expected for long-awaited projects such as "The Division: Heartland" and "The Division: Resurgence". In addition, there will be further information on the popular title "The Division 2", which has been continuously supplied with new content by Ubisoft since its release in 2019.

The Division: Heartland and Resurgence – What do we know so far?

"The Division: Heartland" is a spin-off of the main game series and is announced as a free survival action shooter game. It is said to offer a completely new experience for fans of the series, although there is still not much information about the game. We hope that the Division Day will shed more light on it.

"The Division: Resurgence" is also an interesting project that was announced last year. It is a mobile game that has already undergone closed beta phases in some regions. We are excited to see what new information Ubisoft has in store for this title.

The Division 2: What can we expect in its fifth year?

Although there is currently no concrete information about a possible continuation of "The Division 2", the Division Day is still expected to bring exciting news for fans of the game. Among other things, the roadmap for the fifth year will be discussed and a new game mode called "Descent" will be introduced.

If you are curious about the future of The Division and don't want to miss any updates, you should definitely tune in to the exclusive stream. It starts on April 20th at 8pm CEST (11am PDT / 2pm EDT) and can be followed on Ubisoft's Twitch or YouTube channels.

Conclusion: The Division Day promises excitement and news

The upcoming Division Day is a real highlight for all fans of "The Division" series. Whether you have been a passionate player of The Division for years or have only recently become aware of the games, the event promises exciting insights into the past, present, and future of the series. So, save the date: April 20th, 8pm CEST!

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