Elden Ring - Fans speculate about announced DLC

05 March 2023, 17:43 / by Tom Schwiha
Elden Ring - Fans speculate about announced DLC

The announcement of Elden Ring's DLC by FromSoftware has sent gamers worldwide into a frenzy of excitement. Fans of the game have analyzed every detail and are now speculating about the possible contents of the new DLC. The images of the new DLC show that there will be a new region, which is dominated by a legendary tree. But what exactly will happen in this new region? We have found some interesting speculations.

Who rides on Torrent?

An image from the DLC shows a rider on the back of a horse named Torrent. Fans are now speculating about who this rider could be. Some indications suggest that it could be Miquella. She is a character who has various connections in the main game and is in a kind of coma. The similarity in appearance and the name of the horse suggest that Miquella could be the protagonist of the new DLC. However, there are also other theories that suggest it could be another character.

Landscape as Dream or Reality

Some fans are speculating whether the new region is actually real or if it is some kind of dream world. In the main game of Elden Ring, Miquella is already trapped in a dream world. The imagery in the DLC suggests that the new region could be some kind of dream or illusion. The landscape also looks very blurry and mystical, which could indicate a dream world.

New Tree and Ghostly Warriors

One of the most noticeable additions in the DLC is the new tree in the landscape. Some fans believe it could be a sacred tree related to Miquella. Others believe the tree has something to do with the Earth Tree, which plays an important role in the main game. Another striking detail is the ghostly warriors that can be seen in some moments in the trailer. Fans speculate whether they are some kind of Wild Hunt, as seen in other games by the developer.

Plenty of Room for Speculation

While fans are busy speculating, there is still no official information about the DLC. The developers are known for leading fans astray, so the exact content of the DLC remains a mystery for now. But that doesn't stop fans from continuing to wildly speculate. One thing is certain, Elden Ring and the new DLC continue to offer gamers plenty to enjoy.

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