Ember Knights - The full version is here!

19 July 2023, 11:33 / by Fabian Roßbach
Ember Knights - The full version is here!

Hey knights, pay attention!

Long awaited and finally here - the full version of Ember Knights! If you haven't seen the announcement yet, you should catch up as soon as possible. But don't worry, we'll bring you up to date and reveal what version 1.0 has in store! And because we know that your feedback matters, we'll highlight the content that has been added based on player requests with a little 🔥.

New content and features

The developers have really done a great job and set off a fireworks display of new features. For example, there's a brand new area called Netherra (The Realm of the Tyrant) or the highly anticipated battle against Praxis. But that's not all by a long shot...

In addition, you can expect a new weapon - the Reaper's Toll. With this powerful blade, you can mow down your enemies or attack them from a safe distance. There is also a greatly revamped difficulty system to customize your gaming experience and new challenges for players of all skill levels.

But the absolute highlight is undoubtedly the endless running experience 🔥 - perfect for those who want to push their statistics to absurdly high values.

Boss Variants and Challenges

Each boss now has two new variants - guaranteed to provide thrills and adrenaline rushes! Additionally, there is a completely new system for in-game challenges.

Oh, we almost forgot: there are a handful of new player colors 🔥 - each with their own unlock condition. And last but not least, each world has been given at least 10 new combat rooms.

Balance Improvements

In addition to all the new content, the developers have also addressed balancing. Various adjustments have been made - from changes to enemy HP in different areas to modifications to certain status effects and healing functions.

Bug Fixes

And of course, bugs have been fixed - because what would an update be without bug fixes? Among other things, the user interface in local multiplayer mode has been refined, various issues related to the Ember Tree have been resolved, and some visual errors have been fixed.

So, are you curious? Then grab your Ember Knights Key and dive into the adventure!

As always, we look forward to your feedback on the new features - whether it's directly here in the comments or in our community. And if you don't have a key yet or want to expand your game repertoire - take a look at our Steam Keys page!

Stay tuned!

See you soon with more news about Ember Knights! Because one thing is certain: the adventure continues...

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