Everspace 2: A Tribute to Freelancer - Arcade-Feeling and Loot-Fun in Space

18 April 2023
Everspace 2: A Tribute to Freelancer - Arcade-Feeling and Loot-Fun in Space

Everspace 2: Inspired by Freelancer

Freelancer, Alpha One Dash One, you are cleared for takeoff. Good luck out there! Based on the popular space simulator Freelancer by Digital Anvil, Everspace 2 by Rockfish Games is a refreshing, accessible, and story-driven blend of space shooter and loot game, set to release in 2023.

The mouse-driven space combat controls make a triumphant return, offering an arcade feel with full 3D movement and precise vertical thrust. The combat system is designed to juggle shields, armor, and hull, and handle large amounts of enemies.

Good old loot addiction in Everspace 2

Everspace 2 brings its own ideas to the table: during its two-year early access phase, Rockfish Games took inspiration from loot-driven games like Borderlands, Destiny, and Diablo. Enemies and crates hold loot such as resources for the crafting system or new weapons.

The game rewards almost every activity with credits that can be spent at outposts throughout the vast universe. A wide selection of ships with individual strengths and weaknesses is available. You can purchase your Everspace 2 key on our website to experience the numerous possibilities for yourself.

Story-driven instead of rogue-like

Everspace 2 eschews the rogue-like system in favor of a more conventional, story-driven experience. The plot revolves around the playable character Adam Roslin, a clone from the first game. The main story lasts about 30 hours.

Everspace 2 compared to Star Citizen and Elite Dangerous

Despite the nostalgic feel, the question arises: will there still be room for Everspace 2 alongside Star Citizen and Elite Dangerous in 2023? The game gives the impression of a huge open world, but some parts feel monotonous after a while. It lacks online components, which makes the comparison to Elite Dangerous with its lively multiplayer universe difficult.

A laid-back space simulator experience

Everspace 2 aims for a laid-back space simulator experience and is a tribute to a simpler time in the video game world. The focus is on arcade-like flight controls, accessible combat system, and countless customization options for your own spaceship. Those who adjust their expectations accordingly will have a lot of fun with Everspace 2.

Do you want to try out Everspace 2 or other great games? Check out our selection of Steam keys and start your next gaming adventure!