Everspace 2: Your Ultimate Ship Guide - Ship Classes, Locations, and Tips Overview

15 April 2023, 18:00 / by Fabian Roßbach
Everspace 2: Your Ultimate Ship Guide - Ship Classes, Locations, and Tips Overview

Everspace 2: A world full of spaceships

Everspace 2 is the highly anticipated sequel to the popular space shooter game, Everspace. This time around, players will be able to explore an even larger and more diverse universe filled with new planets, enemies, and of course, spaceships. The game features a unique blend of fast-paced combat and exploration, allowing players to fly their ships through asteroid fields, engage in dogfights with enemy ships, and explore the vast reaches of space. One of the most exciting aspects of Everspace 2 is the sheer variety of spaceships available to players. From nimble fighters to massive capital ships, each vessel has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, allowing players to customize their playstyle to their liking. But Everspace 2 is more than just a game about spaceships. The story is also a major focus, with players taking on the role of a pilot who must navigate a complex web of alliances and rivalries in order to uncover the truth behind a mysterious alien artifact. Overall, Everspace 2 promises to be an exciting and immersive experience for fans of space shooters and sci-fi games alike.

In Everspace 2, players spend most of their time in their ships, jumping from mission to mission and exploring the edges of the universe.

This means that ships are the most important aspect of the game for players. It is also a significant investment for players, and they must consider their playstyle while searching for ships.

Everspace 2 was fully launched on PC and PC Game Pass in April 2023 and revolves around exploring space with a strong storyline that supports gameplay.

Although players will see characters (including their own) in stop-motion cutscenes, the actual gameplay takes place only in the ships.

There are many different types of ships, and the best ship for each player depends on their preferred playstyle.

Ship locations & how to find them

Merchant Location
Nephtys Plains Station

Nephtys Plains

Freelancer Hangar

Prescott Starbase

G&B Union Branch

Noah Darmaris Starport

Coalition HQ

Letho Starport (Drake)

Ships & Supplies

Coalition Cargo Terminal (Drake)


Currently, Everspace 2 is continuously expanding with new content. This means that over time, there may be more types of ships and higher levels of ships. At present, there are three classes of ships, each with three variants. This makes a total of nine different ships that players can acquire, with each ranging from level I-III.

Finding these ships might be a bit tricky. There are a total of five main ship merchants, with the Flying Duchess possibly becoming a sixth merchant. The Flying Duchess as a ship merchant is unlocked when Tareen's Advantage is upgraded to level 2. The first ship merchant that players will encounter otherwise is the Nephtys Plains Station after repairing the disruptor signal to hide the base in Everspace 2.

The availability of the levels changes at each ship merchant location with the player's current level. This means that the same ships become better as players spend more time in the game. For example, at player level 6, both level I and level II ships will be available at different merchants. There is also a "+" version of each level with slightly better statistics, but the statistics are still lower than those of the next full level.

Ship classes

The first class of ships in Everspace 2 is the Light Class. This class specializes in fast but not spacious ships that provide increased mobility. This is great for aerial combat but comes at the cost of storage space and lower values for the three health bars (shield, armor, and hull). The subclasses are Scout, Vanguard, and Stinger.

The second class is the Medium Class, which offers versatile ships. The starting ship in the game belongs to the Medium Class, and these ships are masters of versatility. For players who do not want to switch ships due to the mission type, these ships might be the best suited. The three subclasses are Interceptor, Sentinel, and Striker.

The third and so far last class is the Heavy Class. These ships are large and have the greatest capacity for expansions in Everspace 2. They have the highest health values of the different classes, meaning they can withstand more damage, which compensates for their slowness. They are the slowest of the classes, but their high durability and possible use as cargo ships make them attractive. The three subclasses are Gunship, Bomber, and Vindicator.

Best ship from each class

Since each class has its own specialty and the subclasses offer more customization options, players can build a ship that best suits their needs. The game allows for a diverse customization process, where weapons, equipment, consumables, and the appearance of the ship body can be changed.

This is partly due to the extensive crafting process in Everspace 2. Therefore, each player will find different equipment that works best for them. However, here are the suggestions for the best ship from each class:

Light Class - Scout

The Scout has the ability to become invisible, making him an excellent choice for new players or those who prefer stealth as their preferred combat method. He has strong mobility and long weapon range.

Mid-Class - Striker

The Striker is versatile and great for aerial combat. It has a boost speed and the capacity for three primary weapons and two secondary weapons.

Heavy Class - Gunship

The Gunship may be slow, but it boasts high damage output and strong armor health. Its special abilities are all combat-oriented, increasing its health and doubling certain energies.

As players get a feel for the game and flying each ship, they will likely find a ship they prefer over others. Like many role-playing games and games with multiple builds, players tend to gravitate towards something that suits their playstyle best. With some experimentation, players can build the ship that suits them best in Everspace 2. And don't forget to check out Keyfuchs for suitable Steam Keys!

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