ExileCon Tickets - Schnell zugreifen und VIP-Vorteile sichern

10 May 2023
ExileCon Tickets - Schnell zugreifen und VIP-Vorteile sichern

ExileCon Tickets: Last Chance for Path of Exile Fans

Attention all exiles! There are still some ExileCon tickets available for purchase at www.pathofexile.com/exilecon. But hurry, as the quantity is limited and the demand is high. The event promises lots of fun, exciting news, and of course, the chance to meet other Path of Exile fans!

VIP Tickets: The Cherry on Top for True Enthusiasts

For those of you seeking the ultimate experience at ExileCon, there are also about 50 VIP tickets available. To give everyone a fair chance, these tickets will be offered to existing ticket holders interested in upgrading on a first-come, first-served basis. So, if you purchased a ticket before today and would like to upgrade to a VIP ticket, you can do so by sending an email to support@grindinggear.com.

Advantages of VIP Tickets

As a VIP ticket holder, you will receive some additional benefits that will make your experience at ExileCon even more unforgettable:

  • Prioritized access to Path of Exile 2 and Path of Exile Mobile game demos
  • Prioritized access to the merchandise shop
  • VIP seating in the front row of the auditorium during the presentation
  • VIP dinner with GGG developers on Friday at Wildfire Churrascaria (primarily a meat restaurant, but with vegetarian options). Wine and beer included.

General Sale of Remaining VIP Tickets

If there are any VIP tickets left after the upgrade of existing participants, they will be released for general sale on May 16th at 2pm (PDT). So keep your eyes open and be quick to secure one of these coveted tickets!

Attention: Names on Tickets

Finally, an important note: The name on your ticket must match your photo ID. So if you are buying a second ticket for a friend or family member, make sure that the name on that ticket matches their photo ID to avoid any issues at the event entrance.

Good luck, Exiles! We hope you can secure one of the last tickets and wish you a lot of fun at ExileCon! And if you're still looking for Steam Keys for Path of Exile, check out Keyfuchs - we have just what you need!