Far Cry 6 - DLC and Season Pass: What's coming?

18 September 2021
Far Cry 6 - DLC and Season Pass: What's coming?

As expected, Far Cry 6 is one of the titles that will be supported by various downloadable expansions after release. As usual, you will be given the option to purchase selected content that you are interested in separately, or simply go for the Season Pass, which will deliver all planned DLCs to you at a special price.

But what additional extras can you look forward to? The remastered version of the Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon originally released in 2013 is certainly one of the most interesting content of the Season Pass. With Blood Dragon we have a spin-off of the Far Cry series, which is intended as a playable homage to the legendary action movies of the eighties and scores points above all with its humor, its eccentric characters and the entertaining story.

Three story expansions promised

However, Blood Dragon will not be the only one. Instead, the developers of Ubisoft are promising us a total of three story expansions, which will see the light of day after the release of Far Cry 6. The aforementioned add-ons will be called "Vaas: Madness", "Pagan: Control" and "Joseph: Collapse".

So far, however, no concrete details have been given about the content and stories of the DLCs and they will probably only follow after the release of the promising shooter. As the past has shown, at least one of the expansions will offer a rather bizarre experience and go down creatively unusual paths. So stay tuned.

Exclusive weapons and vehicles

In addition to the story expansions, the Season Pass of Far Cry 6 will also provide visual variety. With the "Omega Enforcer" on the one hand and the "Blood Dragon Chibi" on the other, you will be offered two exclusive vehicles, for example. While the "AJM9" and the "Kobracon" are weapons that are only available in the Season Pass, the "KillStar" is a additional weapon attachment.

The Season Pass of Far Cry 6 is rounded off by the retrievable four-legged "K-9000" and an exclusive outfit