Farthest Frontier - Major Additions, New Systems, and Mechanics Overview

07 July 2023, 14:13 / by Tom Schwiha
Farthest Frontier - Major Additions, New Systems, and Mechanics Overview

The Journey of Farthest Frontier

From Early Access to full release, it's been a long journey. Nearly a million of you, the loyal gamers, have already ventured into the harsh world of Farthest Frontier and encountered countless challenges. Thanks to your valuable feedback, the developers have been able to continuously improve the game and fix bugs. Now, with version v0.8.3 in your hands, it's time to talk about the future of Farthest Frontier.

On Course for Version 1.0

The developers have gathered your requests and ideas and compared them with their own vision of the game. This has helped them set course towards version 1.0. Today, they can give you a first glimpse into the numerous major additions they have planned for the full release of Farthest Frontier.

What to expect in the upcoming updates?

The next update will directly increase the version number to v0.9.0 - this is more than just a symbolic increase! This update will bring some exciting new features.

A glimpse of new systems and mechanics

These new systems and mechanics will not only expand the endgame, but also make each playthrough unique. They will provide you with new approaches and playstyles to refine your ideal strategy for your settlements.

A preview of these new additions can be found in the official forum - but remember: everything is still a work in progress and may change until the final release!

Stay tuned!

Don't forget to regularly check in with us! We will always keep you up to date on Farthest Frontier. And if you haven't had a chance to try the game yet, you can download it anytime through our Steam Keys page.

We look forward to continuing this journey with you! So stay tuned - together we shape the future of Farthest Frontier.

Your opinion matters!

Lastly, we want to emphasize once again: your opinion matters! You are the one playing this game - that's why we are always interested in your feedback. Let us know what you think!

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