FINAL FANTASY XIV - Fan Festival returns 2023-2024

15 February 2023
FINAL FANTASY XIV - Fan Festival returns 2023-2024

Fans of FINAL FANTASY XIV can rejoice: after a digital event last year, the Fan Festival is returning in 2023-2024. This time, live events are planned in North America, Europe, and Japan to bring together fans from all over the world and share their enthusiasm for the game.

Live Events Across Three Continents

The Fan Festival will take place in North America on July 28th and 29th, 2023 in Las Vegas, Nevada. In Europe, it will take place on October 21st and 22nd, 2023 in London, UK. The exact date for Japan is not yet known, but it is planned for early 2024.

New Shows and Experiences

In addition to meeting fans from all over the world, the events will also offer some exciting new shows and experiences. The festival will include live panels where fans can meet their favorite developers and artists, as well as concerts where they can experience the game's music live.

A New Chapter in the World of FINAL FANTASY XIV

The Fan Festival is returning at a particularly exciting time, as the game has received many new content in recent years. The return of the festival and the planned live events in North America, Europe, and Japan suggest that Square Enix is looking to start a new chapter in the world of FINAL FANTASY XIV.