Final Fantasy XVI - Why the game doesn't rely on turn-based battles

08 March 2023, 20:06 / by Fabian Roßbach
Final Fantasy XVI - Why the game doesn't rely on turn-based battles

The "Final Fantasy" series is known for its epic stories and innovative gameplay mechanics. However, in recent years, fans have not always been satisfied with the direction of the series, particularly with the decision to trade turn-based battles for action-packed battles. With Final Fantasy XVI, the series is going even further in the direction of action. But why did the development team decide to abandon turn-based battles? We have looked at the reasons.

Adapting to a younger audience

According to producer Naoki Yoshida and director Hiroshi Takai, the decision to abandon turn-based battles was a matter of adapting to a younger audience. The development costs for a game like "Final Fantasy" are enormous, and to recoup these costs, the game must be accessible to as many players as possible. However, many younger players are accustomed to fast and action-packed games that are designed for immediate reaction - in part due to games like "Grand Theft Auto" or other first-person shooters.

Graphic Realism and the Eikonic System

Director Takai emphasizes that it would be difficult to implement turn-based combat in reality and that it would have a jarring effect on the game. The developers had to quickly adapt to new technologies and the Eikonic system was born. This system is based on the ability system of Final Fantasy V, but in real-time and action-oriented. This allows players to constantly react to the character and not have to wait for the character's turn to come up.

Accessibility for Newcomers

For Combat Director Ryota Suzuki, it is also important that the game is accessible to newcomers. By introducing an action mode, the game also becomes interesting for players who normally have little to do with action games. For players who traditionally rely on turn-based games, the benefits are not as obvious. However, it is important to note that the developers do not hate the style of combat, but rather wanted to make the game as accessible as possible.

Return to Turn-Based Combat

Both Yoshida and Takai say that it is possible to return to turn-based combat in the future, but only if there is a corresponding need. Currently, there are no plans for Final Fantasy XVII, which means that it is unclear whether the series will ever return to turn-based combat. It remains to be seen how player numbers and fan reactions will develop and whether it is worth returning to turn-based combat in the future.

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