Final Fantasy XVI - A journey into the past and future of the legendary RPG series

09 April 2023, 19:57 / by Fabian Roßbach
Final Fantasy XVI - A journey into the past and future of the legendary RPG series

Video games have their own "sacred cows" - those rare titles that are so significant that they have become pillars of the medium. These include, of course, the Super Mario and Legend of Zelda series, but Final Fantasy must not be forgotten. With Final Fantasy 16, the developers aim to break away from many of the aspects that players expect from a new main installment in the long-running RPG series, in order to bring Final Fantasy back into the spotlight. One of the biggest changes in Final Fantasy 16 is the shift from turn-based battles to a real-time action system, which has caused some disagreement among fans prior to the release.

Although the term "JRPG" is viewed as derogatory by some Japanese developers, RPGs developed in Japan have recognizable characteristics, one of which is the turn-based combat system. After experimenting with new systems in Final Fantasy 15, the Final Fantasy 7 Remake took a different approach and combined real-time action with strategic menu commands. Final Fantasy 16 will be the first title in the series to completely depart from turn-based combat, and will be in good hands under the direction of Ryota Suzuki (Devil May Cry 5, Marvel vs. Capcom 2) as the combat director.

Returning to the Roots: Dragon Quest 11

Despite the trend towards action-based combat in modern RPGs, there is still a strong fanbase for turn-based battles. The upcoming Final Fantasy title may take inspiration from several great games by returning to its turn-based roots.

The turn-based combat system in Dragon Quest 11 provides a refreshing RPG experience. Turn-based battles are practically synonymous with RPGs for long-time fans of the genre. While turn-based combat has been present in RPGs since their inception, there are still many examples of titles that have improved upon these traditional gameplay mechanics for newer games in their respective series. For RPG franchises that stick to traditions while implementing modernized features and quality-of-life improvements, one need look no further than Square Enix's own Dragon Quest. Dragon Quest 11 is one of the best modern RPGs that effectively implements traditional turn-based combat.

Innovation in Turn-Based Combat: Octopath Traveler and Bravely Default

The ability to see enemies on the field and choose whether to engage in battle or skip them entirely is an important feature in newer Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy games. Additionally, Dragon Quest 11's presentation is enhanced by the seamless transition between exploration and battle initiation. The inevitable mid-to-end game grind can also be alleviated through automated battles. While the original Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest games may seem outdated by today's standards, Dragon Quest 11 shows that it is possible to modernize traditional mechanics in a newer title.

Square Enix has recognized fans of their classic SNES and PlayStation-era titles with two newer RPG franchises that harken back to the RPGs of old. Both Octopath Traveler and Bravely Default are series that heavily adhere to the genre giants while building upon them. Since both series use turn-based combat and have been celebrated for their unique twists on battle mechanics, the next mainline Final Fantasy game should utilize some of the creative talent behind these franchises to make the combat engaging if it returns to a turn-based model.

Bravely Default offers the titular "brave" and "default" mechanics in battle, allowing players to choose to skip turns to execute multiple commands in a single turn later. Octopath Traveler has a similar system where players can "boost" and spend multiple actions at the cost of later inability to act. Both systems make turn-based battles more interesting and show that Square Enix still has innovative combat designers. If the next Final Fantasy chooses a turn-based combat system, it is not far-fetched to believe that the new talent at Square Enix will use their love for the genre to create something truly special.

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