Floor44 Update: New opponent Keyper and exciting new features - All information & updates at a glance

01 May 2023, 14:37 / by Fabian Roßbach
Floor44 Update: New opponent Keyper and exciting new features - All information & updates at a glance

Floor44 Update: The Mysterious Keyper Takes the Stage

Attention all fans of dark dungeon-crawling adventures! The latest update for the popular game Floor44 not only brings a new and highly interesting opponent, but also numerous other improvements that make your exploration even more exciting. Let's take a closer look at the most important changes!

New Content and Enhancements

First and foremost, we welcome the mysterious Keyper as a new opponent. This skilled fighter is not for the faint of heart - it's advisable to leave him alone. But that's not all! The update also adds new items such as the Essence of the Keyper or the Potion of Teleportation. And new abilities such as Keyper Weakness or Banyou are also included, of course.

Along with a new achievement for defeating a Keyper, there are also new missions revolving around this mysterious adversary. Additionally, a new weapon type, the crowbar, has been integrated into the game.

The developers have also revamped the ground in Floor44: a new ground type called "Healing" has been added, as well as new ground variations. Players can now slowly regenerate health if their hunger is above 50%. Colored indicators have been introduced for potions and food to make the different effects more visible.

Weirdos now have a slight chance to break doors, so be on the lookout! If you fall off the map, you will now be teleported to another player. Ghosts can no longer see the flashlight of the Ambusher or the speaker of the Speaker. The Jeerer has a higher chance of teleporting players one floor down upon touch.

The trigger trap also received a variation: players must now crouch to pass through unscathed. The animation for players in third person with weapons has been improved. Ghosts will no longer vomit - surely a relief for all involved!

In terms of the competition mode, there are also new features: obsidian hearts can no longer be used, and players become ghosts when defeated. Candy is also easier to obtain. Scaring by other players or Weirdos now leads to a loss of mental health and sweating with fear.

The options for VSync and FPS limiting have been added to the settings. Dead players no longer regenerate statistics. Bugs where the flashlight icon was displayed without a flashlight after the player was revived, or where players made noises when feeding others, have been fixed.

All of this sounds pretty exciting, doesn't it? If you don't already own Floor44 and the latest update has piqued your interest, why not check out our Steam Keys - perhaps there's a suitable offer for you!

Have fun exploring the dark dungeons of Floor44 and defeating the mysterious Keyper! We're excited to hear about your experiences with the new content and improvements to the game.

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