Forever Skies - Patch #1

29 June 2023, 07:46 / by Fabian Roßbach
Forever Skies - Patch #1

Welcome back to the skies of Forever Skies!

It's only been a week since we embarked on the Early Access adventure of Forever Skies. And already, the developer has announced that the first patch is on the horizon. They've been attentive to the community and diligently collected feedback. The result? A bunch of fixes, improvements, and even brand new content!

But before you get too excited about the new patch, the developer isn't ready to reveal everything just yet. There's still a possibility that some features may be delayed or even new ones added. However, we can already share one special surprise with you...

The Docking Plank Device

Yes, you read that right! For all those who have attempted to build huge airships and then realized that "parking" is not so easy, there is good news. With the Docking Plank device, you can now safely hover your airship over the sides of a tower and then roll out your metallic "red carpet". You can't arrive in a more stylish way!

More Improvements and Innovations

But of course, it doesn't stop at just this one update. You can look forward to a variety of changes. Among other things, balance adjustments are planned, as well as quality improvements for tools and additional accessibility options. And as if that wasn't enough: Full controller support is also on the way, along with new devices and items to enhance your airship.

When is the patch coming?

Now you're probably wondering: When can I finally try out all these great new features? The good news is: You won't have to wait much longer. The developer's goal is to have the patch ready by mid-July.


With these exciting innovations, the journey in Forever Skies can only get better! We are looking forward to trying out all the improvements and new content ourselves and, of course, continuing to share our experiences with you! Stay tuned for more updates on Forever Skies.

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